What are CRM Default Fields?
CRM Default Fields are the fields that already exist for every new CRM Contact in their CRM Dashboard. This includes fields such as Address, Website, etc.
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You can set which of these fields are visible and can hide the majority of them.
You can also choose to hide the Contact's Avatars. If you choose to hide this field it will still be shown in the CRM Dashboard but will be hidden in the CRM > Contacts List View.
How do I Hide the Default Fields?
Navigate to CRM > Settings, and click the Default Fields tab.
Check the boxes for each of the Default Fields you would like to be displayed. Fields with an unchecked box will be hidden from view.
The Image field has a different effect if you choose to hide it. In this case, the Image column with the Contacts' Avatars will not be shown in the CRM List View.