Email Templates vs Email Campaigns

Demystifying Email Templates and Campaigns


In the realm of email marketing, terms like layouts, designs, campaigns, messages, code, and templates often swirl around. It's crucial to grasp a fundamental difference: Email Templates, the reusable blueprints, and Email Campaigns, the unique messages crafted for specific contacts or smartlists.

Understanding Email Templates

  • Definition: A template serves as a pre-set layout on which you construct your email campaign.
  • Reusability: Email templates allow users to duplicate and replicate existing layouts for efficiency.
  • Customization:
  • Users can create bespoke templates aligning with their brand identity, incorporating regularly used elements like images, videos, logos, or recurring content.

Navigating Email Campaigns

  • Definition: A campaign is the finalized email message tailored for specific contacts or a smartlist.
  • Design Process: Once a template is selected, users design their campaigns, leveraging the chosen template's layout as a foundation.
  • Flexibility: Email Builder provides features for duplicating, deleting, and rearranging diverse element blocks within campaigns swiftly.

Best Practices

  • Template Usage: Reserve templates for reusable layouts and content that remains consistent across various campaigns.
  • Campaign Composition: Craft campaigns with content specific to individual messages, avoiding duplication of reusable elements.

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