Templates that Inspire You for a Super-Efficient Team Workflow


Is your present work routine inspiring and functional enough for your team, or yourself? How do you think you could improve it? Did you consider applying the experience of other professionals to facilitate your activities? How long does your team spend on meetings about operational tasks every week? Could this time be reduced? There’s a place where you can find an answer to all these questions, and it’s called GitScrum Market Place.

Gitscrum Market Place offers hundreds of free templates for you to customize your workflow, task types, and more. If you think two heads can think better than one, imagine a wide international community. So, why limit your business to walls with a few minds, if you can use all this knowledge?

What is a Workflow, and a Workflow Template

Workflow is the sequence of steps necessary to automate business processes, according to a set of defined rules, allowing them to be transmitted from one person to another. GitScrum uses a modern version of the classical and popular Kanban boards. Although Kanban boards are recognized as classical, we can design many versions of a (workflow) board with them.

The Kanban workflow model is based on columns that represent task stages. These stages may refer to a project, a development cycle, a production line or a research work. The most elemental Kanban presents columns like “to do”, “in progress” and “done”. Managing the workflow efficiently means working so that tasks make progress and don’t get stuck all under only one column.

Many individuals and companies choose to use a basic workflow template (kanban board), with only the essential columns. There’s nothing wrong to start this way, since it will also help you organize and monitor tasks. The only issue to consider is that many businesses have different needs, and as long as your team and project expand, you might need some changes.

A template is a model or a file that someone designed/elaborated and shared, so that other people can use it, and apply it and customize it. In GitScrum Marketplace, so far, all templates are available for free.

Why Use a Workflow Template?


Start your agile journey to excellence by selecting the appropriate working platform, to set work and collaborate daily with your team. Professional companies and individuals stand by project management tools to do so, and organize their routine. However, many of them get confused about which tool to choose. One primary aspect you should consider when choosing yours, is its communication and collaboration potential. Your project management tool must offer you features to create and edit workflow template(s), tasks, add content to them, interact about them in real-time with rich content, attachments, assignments, videos, comments and @mentions. And GitScrum masters all these and more.

Besides, make sure you will have a gallery of templates that help you manage your business workload. GitScrum Marketplace offers you hundreds of free templates you can save, edit and adapt to your needs.


Using a workflow template means saving time at least twice:

First, you don’t need to invest time in creating your own template from scratch. You can simply choose the one that seems to be the best for you, them adapt it. You can rename its Kanban columns, change label colors and make it totally yours.

Secondly, you will optimize your team’s routine in a way you never imagined before. The ideal workflow template that really fits your business drastically reduces the time you spend on phone calls, emails and instant messages. How will they help you do this? Displaying your workload clearly, offering the proper spaces where you can leave information always handy to your squad. Conquer organizational agility by setting the perfect workflow for your team.


Workflow templates with Kanban boards help you identify bottlenecks. Once you organize the proper flow for your production process, you start to monitor whether there is an excessive number of tasks under the same stage. Then, you work with your team on solving eventual difficulties and avoiding overload. Workflow templates are important to build team cohesion towards team goals, because all team members can see challenges clearly and work together to find solutions.


If you elaborate a workflow template on your own, you will do an excellent exercise to think about all the vital stages of the work process in your business, or department. On the other hand, when you use a template created by other professionals, you have the opportunity to discover and test new possibilities you could not even think about.

Consider the possibility of testing different workflow templates and customizing the one that best fits you. You will see that tiny details in them can highly impact team members’ deliverability.


Use inspiring workflow templates to stimulate your mind to create relevant tasks that are valuable to your customers. Create a routine where the staff works proactively and promotes task reviews and improvements, reducing the number of feedback loops from the top management and product end users.

Examples of Available Workflow Templates to Make your Projects Rock

Here are some of the numerous examples that are ready to help your business work efficiently:

  • Standard PM;
  • Personal Board Planning;
  • Website Launch;
  • Process for Software Development;
  • Development and Testing;
  • Agency Full (for marketing, advertising and digital agencies);
  • Best Content Calendar;
  • Basic Sales Pipeline;
  • New Employee Onboarding;
  • Wedding Planning;
  • IT Helpdesk;
  • Scientific Research Publication Workflow;
  • Staging/production;
  • Redes Sociales (social media);
  • Linkedin Running;
  • Campaign Planning;
  • Yearly Planning;
  • Management Consulting;
  • Procurement;
  • Design;
  • Shop Open;
  • Udemy Course Workflow;
  • Video;
  • 3D Model Workflow;
  • Payroll System;
  • Corporate Document Processing;
  • Business Plan;
  • Scrumban.

And so many others! New templates are released any time by GitScrum users from all time zones. You can create your own template and share them with the world.

How to Customize a Workflow Template?

Here are some basic steps to customize your Workflow template and reach efficiency:

  1. Get started, creating your project management tool account at 
  2. Create your first workplace (project directory), and your first project.
  3. Set your workflow template on your project settings.
  4. Create a new template or go the Marketplace

What Else to Customize, to Use with your Workflow template?

Here are some useful features and assets you can customize, to use with your Workflow template and make it efficient:

Task Type (templates):

Create specific task types according to your business area and recurring demands.


Besides the labels of your Kanban columns you can customize project labels and task types with colors.

Task Effort (templates):

Standardize the size and complexity of tasks on your production flow, before you make assignments, and distribute work fairly.

Task Custom Field (templates):

Use specific fields for task request forms, to accelerate communication during production.

Task Checklist (templates):

Create task list items to standardize the process of certain tasks.

User Story Priority (templates):

As a product manager / product owner, manage and standardize the priority criteria for the User Stories you will receive during your project and relate to workflow tasks (user stories are short reports that summarize customers or employee’s requests/needs for product improvements).

Task Card Colors:

Turn this option on for better visualizing your tasks.

Project Logo and background image:

Insert inspiring image to motivate your team to participate in the projects.

Custom brand White Label feature:

Customize the project management tool, replacing the GitScrum logo by yours, and using a domain and subdomain for projects.

Team Member(s) Management:

Invite all team members (users) and partners (guest members) to your workspace, so you can assign tasks to them.

Your standard language for GitScrum:

Choose  among 23 options (the templates are independent from this feature).


Integrate GitScrum to work with other apps, like Pabbly, Discord, Github, Zapier, Slack, and get all important notifications.

All these templates you can also find and download at the GitScrum MarketPlace for free.

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