How to Sell Products with Remote Services?


Remote services are gaining increasing relevance. Mainly in this time around, where companies are being forced to keep their teams in a home office.

However, this reality ended up proving to many companies that remote working is possible.  And this can be maintained even after this crisis.

The technology has given salespeople unprecedented virtual access to decision-makers and the ability to do business from anywhere. But it also makes the remote sales process even more competitive.

In this article, you will understand how you can sell products with remote services, keep your sales grow and bring new loyal clients to your business.

What are remote sales services?

To understand what a remote salesperson is, you need to better understand the concept of remote working and, of course, remote sales.

The first is, basically, the professional activity carried out at a distance, without the need for the employee to be physically in the company’s office. This work is usually developed from the home office or even from environments such as coworking.

Remote services sales, therefore, refer to the commercial activity carried out without the seller needing to be in the company’s office.

These sales can be either internal sales or external sales, what defines them as remote is this relationship between the employee and the company, conducted virtually.

Despite not being such a recent function, the role of the remote salesperson has been gaining more prominence thanks to the development and popularization of remote work.  Due to the advancement of technology and concepts such as BYOD (bring your own device) and Industry 4.0.

The importance of the remote salesperson for the company’s growth

We understand that remote salespeople are those who work remotely, without the need to go to the company’s office, even if they are physically in the same city.

Now, it is necessary to understand, after all, what are the advantages of betting on this model when it comes to the growth of the company’s results.


The first big gain in investing in remote work, as much as it generates distrust of the most conservative, is the gain in productivity.

If he keeps one eye on the computer screen and the other on the TV screen, there are numerous studies that prove that the remote model guarantees greater productivity than the traditional one.

In fact, home office work, when well structured, can have fewer interruptions. More objective meetings and less time wasted in commuting, among other points.

In other words, setting up a team with remote salespeople can speed up results.

Cost reduction

Of course, there is still an important benefit for companies in reducing costs, since they can count on a leaner physical structure and save on transport costs.

Furthermore, for companies located in large centers, there is also the possibility of having employees from other locations, where the cost of living is lower.

Geographic reach

If your company aims to sell to other regions and even countries, having a remote service will ensure the essential local tone to generate rapport in sales.

Even if your activity is related to internal sales, we are well aware of how much some markets are more open to those who speak with their accent and are able to understand local specificities when negotiating.

Thanks to technology, it is possible to have a team of salespeople made up of professionals who are in different locations, approaching their markets with maximum effectiveness.

Team motivation

In big cities, teleworking is increasingly becoming a key factor in team motivation.

This is because it is possible to avoid those cases where it takes hours and hours to get to the workplace, just to be in person at the office.

In this way, sellers gain time that would be dedicated to commuting to invest in staying with their family, taking courses, playing sports, meeting friends, and whatever else is important to them.

What are the main advantages of remote services?

Shorten the commercial funnel

In face-to-face sales, the customer’s purchase decision tends to be much longer, after all, in this type of contact, the consumer will only feel really comfortable closing the purchase after a lot of conversation and demonstrations.

On the other hand, in remote sales, it is possible to map purchase profiles in advance using data analysis.

Increase team productivity

By eliminating the hours involved in traveling to meetings with prospects and in face-to-face conversations, you free up valuable time in your schedule.

You can use this time to qualify leads, reach more people, and improve your sales pitch. The more you practice and refine your sales strategies, the more likely you are to land hot leads. Also, nurture potential customers through the buying journey, and close more deals.

Decrease Acquisition Cost per Customer

A remote process does not require large expenses in prospecting, as communication will be entirely mediated by the internet. This in itself significantly reduces the ACC, in addition to preventing the seller from wasting time due to some unexpected displacement.

However, you need to make sure your team has the necessary equipment to conduct a remote sale without interfering with the negotiation.

Sell ​​on a global scale

With remote selling, you can reach and approach potential customers around the world. All you need is a stable internet connection.

Plus, it’s easier to increase your sales and grow your business when you’re using the right technology. There are tools that help you automate repetitive manual tasks, manage your sales funnel. Also, keep all your internal and external communications organized.

We’ll take a closer look at several technology tools that can help you manage a remote sales force later on.

Encourage sales representatives

Embracing remote selling in your business can motivate your reps and boost team morale.

Because when you empower salespeople and support their efforts with the right resources, they are encouraged to produce impressive results.

The flexibility to choose your work environment and set your own schedule reduces stress and increases productivity.

Plus, remote salespeople don’t have to deal with distractions like work commuting or the famous corporate policy, allowing them to focus their energy solely on selling.

How to Manage a Remote Services Sales Team

There are still challenges, however, and if your salespeople travel more for work than they do in the office. That means you actually already have a remote sales team.

The basics of sales management still apply. But when problems arise, solving them isn’t as simple as getting up from the table and walking down the aisle to clear things up.

1. Set clear expectations

When setting expectations, encourage salespeople to achieve higher levels of performance.

Setting clear expectations for your remote sales team provides a pattern to follow. The reference should include sales objectives, specific online procedures when working with leads, and tips for managing time more efficiently.

Sales managers must also be willing to participate in a video call with their remote sales team to discuss expectations. And provide a detailed report to each salesperson on their specific tasks and desired performance objectives.

2. Invest in resources that everyone can use

Most companies work in the cloud. Storage services allow your employees to securely log into a shared cloud and view all the necessary information.

But cloud computing hasn’t alleviated the need for remote workers to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Which can be configured to provide them with additional access, security, and control.

Cloud storage systems allow employees to access company information on their personal computers at home or on their smartphones. And update potential customer records from wherever they are.

Cloud software helps ensure that every member of your remote sales team has the data they need exactly when they need it. So everyone can receive the most up-to-date information.

3. Build trusting relationships

Having a remote sales force can take extra effort to build trusting relationships. After all, you don’t see each other at the office every day.

Communication is critical to building trust, but it can be a challenge for remote teams.

Sales managers should plan their work hours to coincide with most team members. That way, if problems or questions arise, you can respond immediately.

When you pay attention to your team’s needs, you build trust. However, it’s important to avoid micro-managing your team, even though you feel it’s more difficult to track their progress remotely.

As a manager, your communication is not always immediate. And you are unable to interpret the body language of team members or recognize each person’s way of doing things.

It’s important to be able to track your team’s progress through a shared dashboard of metrics. If they’re completing tasks and closing deals, it’s a sign that you can let your remote team manage their own time.

4. Encourage social interaction

Promote positive interaction among your team members. Holding weekly meetings opens up lines of communication and is a great way for the team to learn from each other.

For example, a sales rep might explain in detail a new remote selling technique he uses with reluctant buyers. Or someone can share the success story of closing four deals in a single day.

In addition, these scheduled staff meetings allow you to address larger challenges and brainstorm new sales strategies.

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