Digital Transformation: How Live Streaming is Changing the Game

You may have heard the term “streaming” tossed around a lot lately. Streaming is the process of broadcasting digital media in real time.

In other words, streaming allows people to watch or listen to content as it’s being transmitted. The term is most commonly used in relation to video and audio content, but it can also be applied to other types of digital content such as gaming, software, and even live events.

Recognize the emotional side of digital transformation

The emotional side of digital transformation is often overlooked. People are quick to forget that there is a personal side to every business decision.

When making the switch to a new technology or process, it’s important to take into account how the change will affect your team emotionally. For example, if you’re making the switch to a new software, be sure to take into account the time it will take for your team to learn the new system.

As you rollout the new software, be sure to provide plenty of training and support. If you’re considering a switch to a new work process, be sure to discuss the change with your team and get their buy-in before making a final decision.

Making changes without taking the emotional side into account can lead to resistance and frustration among your team members.

Align around a customer-centric narrative

In order to be successful with live streaming, it’s important that your company aligns its messaging around the customer experience.

Too often, companies get wrapped up in touting their technical capabilities or features, rather than focusing on what the customer wants. This can be a fatal mistake, as customers are more likely to be drawn to broadcasts that are centered around their interests.

By putting the customer first, your company can create a narrative that resonates with viewers and keeps them coming back for more.

Build a data-informed culture by upskilling talent

You can’t build a data-informed culture without upskilling your talent. It’s not enough to just install the necessary tools and expect your team to know how to use them.

You need to provide training and development opportunities that will help them understand how data can be used to improve decision-making and business outcomes.

Only then will you be able to create a company-wide culture of data-driven decision-making.

Manage the power dynamics that come with data

With the rise of live streaming, comes new challenges in managing the power dynamics that come with data. For one, live streaming inherently gives the viewers more power, as they are able to comment and engage in real-time.

This can be a good thing, allowing for new levels of audience participation and engagement. However, it can also lead to negative behaviors, such as trolling or cyberbullying. In order to mitigate these risks, it’s important to have policies in place governing how your team interacts with the audience.

You’ll also need to make sure that you have the tools in place to support these interactions, such as Moderation or Comment Moderation tools.

Design for inclusive and agile problem-solving

Designing for inclusivity means creating a space that invites everyone to participate. Inclusion is not a strategy that can be applied after the fact, it needs to be part of the design process from the beginning.

This type of thinking is essential for agile problem-solving. When teams are able to work together effectively, they’re able to respond to change quickly and efficiently.

That’s why inclusive design is such an important part of GitScrum. It enables teams to collaborate and problem-solve in a way that’s productive and innovative.

The State of Streaming is clear: live streaming is powering digital transformation by creating more authentic and engaging customer experiences.

How can your business take advantage of this trend? To start, you need to recognize the emotional side of digital transformation and build a data-informed culture by upskilling talent.

From there, you need to manage the power dynamics that come with data and design for inclusive and agile problem-solving. With a roadmap like this, your business can start streaming its way to success.

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