Timers & Time Tracking Widget

What is a Timer?

A Timer is a mechanism to keep track of how much time has passed. This can then be converted into an Invoice in the form of "billable hours".

It can be used to keep track of time spent on a particular Task or Project, working with a Client, or just as a "free" Timer with no assignments.

You can set a Timer to record automatically or you can enter the time manually. When used automatically it is essentially a stopwatch in which you start and stop when needed.

Timers can be added to new or existing Invoices and Accumulating Generators.

What is the Time Tracking Widget?

The Time Tracking Widget is a handy mini-application that appears as an overlay in your account. You can find it at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen from anywhere in the platform!

This Time Tracking Widget shows you your currently active Timer counting in real-time. You can use it to manage your Timers on any screen with all of the options on the Timers page (create, edit, add to Invoice, etc.).

You can click and drag the Time Tracking Widget vertically if it is obscuring something on the page.

How do I create a Timer?

Let's start with the "classic" way to create a Timer (so you'll know where to find the list of the ones you've created).

Navigate to Projects > Projects. (Timers are no longer restricted to Projects and Tasks and will be relocated outside of the Projects module soon).

Click the +Add Timer button.

A modal will appear in which you can fill out the details for the Timer.

Timer Type: If Counting is selected the Timer will begin counting once it is added and will continue to count until it is either Paused or Completed.

Title: This name will also be visible when added to an Invoice.

Hourly Rate: The Rate you would like to charge per hour for this Timer. It will be used to calculate the total amount once the Timer is completed.

Notes: Any description/message you would like to include. This will be included as the Invoice Description when converted into an Invoice.

If Manual is selected as the Timer Type you will be able to input the Date, Hours, and Minutes of the Timer. It will be created in Paused status.

By default, the Timer you create will be "free" and not assigned to any particular Client, Project, or Task.

If you would like to assign the Timer click the Assign Timer button.

When you select a resource (Client, Project, or Task) you'll be prompted to select a specific Client, Project, or Task from a dropdown menu.

When you convert the Timer to an Invoice the available options will be filtered by which resource you assign.

You can also click the Unassign Timer button at any time while editing the Timer if you decide not to restrict it to a particular resource.

More information on converting a Timer is in the sections below.

TIP: You can assign or unassign a Timer at any time while editing.


If you want to create a Counting Timer you can do so anywhere in the platform by clicking the Time Tracking Widget located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Click the Add New Timer icon. If there is currently an active Timer showing you'll be prompted to stop the current Timer (it will be set to Paused status).

Type the name of the Timer you are creating and enter the desired Hourly Rate. Click the Tab key to easily shift from one field to the next.

Now, just click the  icon to start the Timer. You'll see it begin counting in real-time.

You can click the  icon to expand or collapse the Timer.

How do I manage an existing Timer?

In your Timers list click the Options menu button for a Timer that you would like to manage.

The options available will depend on the status of the Timer. You can confirm the Status of a Timer by referencing the Status column.

NOTE: All "Manual" Timers are created in Pause Status.

View: Click this option to view a modal of the Timer. If active, it will be counting in real-time.

Pause: If the Timer is currently in "Counting" status, you can stop it. You can then choose to add the Timer to an Invoice.

Edit: Modify the Timer settings and/or include a Note

Resume: If the Timer is currently in "Paused" status you will have the ability to resume it.

Invoice: Add a Paused Timer to a new or Existing Invoice or Accumulating Generator.

CLICK HERE to learn about adding Timers to Invoices

Delete: Remove the Timer from the platform. This option is not available for Timers in "Billed" status.


Click the  icon in the expanded Time Tracking Widget view.

Here you'll be able to edit the Timer Title, Hourly Rate, and Notes.  You can Assign the timer if you choose.

To Assign the timer, click the 'Assign Timer' button and then choose Client, Project or Task;

To assign to a Client, click the Client radio button and then use the dropdown box to find the Client Name and click Save.  

To assign to a Project, click the Project radio button and then use the dropdown box to find the Project and click Save.

If you would like to add the Timer to a Task, click the Task radio button and two dropdown lists will appear.  First select the Project and then all the Project Tasks will become available for you to select.  Choose the correct task and click Save.

How do I edit a Timer?

If you want to edit the current counted time you can simply click on the time field and modify the numbers. Hit the "Enter" key or click off of this field to confirm the change.

The Timer will automatically Pause during the change and will continue to be Paused until you choose to Resume.

How do I add a Timer to an Invoice?

Once you are ready to convert your Timer you'll need to ensure that it is in "Paused" status (it cannot be in "Counting" status).

In the Timers list click the Options menu button and select Invoice.

If you choose to add the Timer to an existing Invoice or Accumulating Generator a second dropdown menu will appear in which you can select the desired one. Your options will be filtered depending on which assignment you chose for the Timer (or lack thereof).

The  Note you currently have on the Timer will also be displayed here giving you a chance to make any edits before converting the Timer.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoices

The name of your Timer will appear as the Invoice Item Name in the Invoice and anything you included in the Notes field will appear as the Invoice Item Description.

The Quantity field will be populated with the number of hours and the Rate field will be what you specified to charge for each hour.


Ensure that a Timer is in Pause status by clicking the  icon.

Once the Timer is Paused click the  icon.

If you choose to add the Timer to an existing Invoice or Accumulating Generator a dropdown menu will appear in which you can select the desired one. Your options will be filtered depending on which assignment you chose for the Timer during (or lack thereof).

The Notes you currently have on the Timer will also be displayed here giving you a chance to make any edits before converting the Timer.

How do I manage Timer visibility?

You can manage which Roles can see Timers as well as which Roles can see the Timer Widget. You can also configure visibility by individual Staff Members for the Timer Widget.

To manage which Roles can access Timers navigate to Flyout Menu > Custom Menus.

CLICK HERE to learn about Custom Menus

Click the  icon for Projects to view its list of Sub-Menu Items.

Click the  icon for Timers.

You can then choose which Roles will be able to access Timers.

IMPORTANT: The settings configured in your Company Settings for the Timer Widget will take priority when setting visibility. If you disable visibility for Timers for a Role in Custom Menus, but enable that role (or a particular Staff Member in that Role) in your Timer Widget settings, then that user will still have access to Timers.

To configure visibility settings for the Timer Widget navigate to Flyout Menu > Company Settings.

CLICK HERE to learn about Company Settings

In the  Timer Widget Settings section, you'll be able to disable the Timer Widget entirely or choose who you would like to have visibility.

Choose by Role: Choose which Role(s) you would like to see the Timer Widget. You can also choose Select All which includes all Staff Roles except for Office Manager).

Choose Staff Member: You can choose individual Staff Member(s) that will be able to see and use the Timer Widget.

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