PROJECTS: Archived Projects

What is an Archived Project?

An Archived Project is a Project that is no longer Active. Either it has been completed and is no longer required to keep track of, or it is no longer valid (the Client has canceled the Project, for example).

Where do I find Archived Projects?

Navigate to Projects > Projects.

Any Projects you Archive will appear in this list.

IMPORTANT: An Archived Project cannot be edited. Any user who is assigned to a Task inside of the Project will not be able to view them.

You can use the Options menu button (3 dots) to either View, Delete, or Restore the Archived Project.

View: You can see an overview of the Archived Project. You will NOT be able to view any Tasks, Phases, etc. associated with it.

Delete: Remove the Archived Project from the platform. Note: This cannot be undone.

Restore: Make the Project active again. Any settings and assigned Tasks will be restored.

How do I Archive a Project?

Navigate to Projects > Projects.

Click the Options menu button (3 dots) for the Project you want to Archive and select Archive.

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PROJECTS: Kanban View