OFFICE: On-Demand Invoice Generators

What is an On-Demand Invoice Generator?

An On-Demand Invoice Generator creates Invoices on demand. You can create & configure many different O-D Invoice Generators, each one designed to be used in a specific scenario. You pre-define the line items, the amounts, the payment options, payment gateways, etc., and all it needs after it has been activated is to be triggered and told which Client (the target) should be assigned to the generated Invoice. You can trigger the O-D Invoice Generator via a Kickoff Form, an Automation, or manually with just a few clicks.

You can also create a Recurring Generator that will continually generate an Invoice or an Accumulating Generator which acts as a "running tab" for your Client with varying amounts with each generation.

CLICK HERE to learn about Recurring Invoice Generators

CLICK HERE to learn about Accumulating Generators

How do I create an Invoice Generator?

Navigate to Office > Invoices.

Hover your cursor over Generators in the top navigation menu bar and select On-Demand.

Then click the +Add On-Demand Generator button.

Creating an Invoice Generator is very much like creating an Invoice but with a few key differences.

CLICK HERE to learn how to create an Invoice

The Title field gives you the option to use Placeholders so that you can dynamically create a unique Invoice Title.

Available Placeholders: [client-first-name]  [client-last-name]  [current-year]  [current-month]   [current-day]

Dynamic Items: While the Item dropdown remains the same as a typical Invoice, On-Demand Invoice Generators have a special Item function when you add a new Item while creating the Generator.

Make Dynamic: As described above. When toggled it unlocks Dynamic Items.

Friendly Title: The name of the Dynamic Item.

Item Title: The name of the actual item you are charging for.

Description: This field is not required but can be used to give more details about the item.

Rate: The cost of the item.

Quantity: The amount of the item.

Discount Value: This field is not required but allows you to select an amount that will be automatically subtracted from the total value of the Item. You can enter a value that is either an amount or a percentage. 

If you would like this item to be taxed you can check off the box labeled Is Taxable.

You also have the option to Save the Item for Later which will add it to your list of Items.

*Dynamic Items are only available on the Pinnacle Plan level

CLICK HERE to learn about Items

Generator Settings: Choose from the dropdown menu how the Invoice will be generated when the Generator is triggered. You can choose Open (will immediately be assigned to the Client) or Draft Status.

Publish Settings: Set a Relative Due Date for the Invoice to be paid which will be determined based on the date it is generated.

Once you are finished creating your Invoice Generator you can either Save as Open or Save as Draft. 

Open: The Invoice Generator will be active and will generate Invoices as configured.

Draft: It will save the creation process for you to complete later and will not generate Invoices.

How can I assign an Invoice Generator?

For a new Client, you can assign an Invoice Generator while manually adding a Client into the platform or via Kickoff Form.

For an existing Client, you can assign an Invoice Generator through the CRM list.


Navigate to CRM > Contacts and click the +Add Contact button.

In the On-Demand Generator section, you will be able to select an Invoice Generator from the dropdown menu.

TIP: This section will only appear when selecting the Client Role.


Navigate to Forms and click the +Add Form button.

You will be able to choose an On-Demand Invoice Generator from the dropdown menu.

TIP: This section will only appear when selecting the Client Role.


Navigate to Forms and click the +Add Form button.

Click the + symbol at the bottom of the form.

Now click Trigger Automations

If you choose an On-Demand Invoice Generator that has Dynamic Items, it is at this stage that you will be prompted to add how you would like the Dynamic Items to work.  

In this example we have added the Custom Field 'Number of employees'.  Whatever number is added to this Form Field by the target will become the Quantity on the invoice. 

TIP: Please note that both the Quantity and the Rate can be Static or a Contact/Company Custom Field.


If you would like to apply an Invoice Generator to an existing Client navigate to CRM > Contacts.

Click the Options menu button (3 dots) for the Client and select OD Invoice Generator.

A modal will appear in which you can select the Invoice Generator from the dropdown menu.

How do I manage an Invoice Generator?

Navigate to Office > Invoices > Generators > On-Demand and click the Options menu button beside the Invoice Generator you would like to manage.

Edit: Modify the details of the Invoice Generator

Duplicate: Make a copy of the Invoice Generator

Manage Automations: Configure Automations to trigger when the generated Invoice from the Generator is paid

CLICK HERE to learn about Automations

Delete: Remove the Invoice Generator from the platform. Note: This cannot be undone.

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OFFICE: Items / Taxes / Discounts Settings
OFFICE: Payment Gateways