General Form Specialty Type

What is a General Form Specialty Type?

A Specialty Type of General Form allows you to use the Form for a more specific purpose.

Currently, you can use a Marketing Audience Specialty Type which allows you to add users to an Email Marketing Audience - whether they are registered into your platform or not!

CLICK HERE to learn about types of Forms

How do I create a Specialty Type of General Form?

Navigate to the Forms menu item, and click +Create Form.

CLICK HERE to learn about General Forms

You will then be able to choose  General Forms. Alternatively, you can click the icon beside the +Create Form button and choose from the dropdown menu.

You will see a Specialty Type dropdown field above the Title field.

Currently, the only available Specialty Type is Email Marketing Audience. You can use this Specialty Type Form to allow users to sign up for an email list, such as a newsletter.

CLICK HERE to learn about Marketing Audiences

Select Add to Email Marketing Audience(s) from the dropdown menu, and click the Save Specialty Type button.

IMPORTANT: If you select a Specialty Type, it will reset any Form Fields you have already added to the Form.

The only allowed fields for this Specialty Type are First Name, Last name, and Email Address. Only the  Email address field is required.

You can also insert Content Blocks, just like any other Form.

CLICK HERE to learn about Content Blocks

By default, once the user has submitted the form they will be automatically added to the selected Marketing Audience.

If you would like to request confirmation for the subscription, toggle Enable email double opt-in to ON.

The default message will be displayed in a WYSIWYG editor. You can customize it however you'd like. You can insert Placeholders by clicking the {x} icon.

CLICK HERE to learn about Dynamic Data Placeholders

IMPORTANT: The Double Opt-In message is required to contain the {{confirmationLink}} placeholder in order to generate the correct content.

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