FILES: Files Toolkit

What is the Files Toolkit?

The Files module is a storage space in the platform designated for storing uploaded files. You can upload a file of any type or size, as long as it is within the restrictions of the File Space designated for your account.

You can share files with Clients, Prospects, and any internal Role in the platform (except for Freelancers). Files can be any type - PDFs, HEIC, images, videos, and anything else.

By default, all users (except for the Freelancer Role) have access to the Files menu item and can upload files.

Which folders are visible, as well as which actions are available, depends on the Role of the logged-in user.

You can also set restrictions on which Roles can share files, who receives email Notifications when a file is uploaded by a Contact, and other configurations.

TIP: You can preview a file by clicking on its name. The file types you can preview within the platform are: pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, jpeg, jpg, png, mp4, ogg, webm, mp4, wav, heic, and flac. Clicking on any other type of file will download the file instead.

How do I navigate the Files Toolkit?

By default, there will be special folders already created inside of your Files Toolkit. The functionality of these folders is outlined in the sections below.

While clicking through folders, a navigational aid in the form of breadcrumbs will be visible at the top of the screen. This will show your location along with the structure of the folders you have navigated from.

You can click on any of these folders to navigate back to them, as well as return to the "home" screen. Clicking the  icon will bring you to the previous folder.

At any time you can also search for files or folders in the currently viewed folder by typing in the Search bar. The results will populate in real-time.

How do I configure settings in the Files Toolkit?

To configure Settings related to the Files Toolkit, click the  icon.

A modal will appear in which you can manage notification settings, set sharing restrictions, and more.

File Storage Quota: This progress bar will show you how much storage space is being used, and how much you have left.

Manage who receives Notifications: When a Contact uploads a file, you can choose which Internal Roles will receive a Notification Email. Or, you can disable the notifications altogether.

Manage when Notifications are Sent: When files are uploaded to a folder that is shared with a Contact, you can choose to send a Notification Email to that Contact.

If you select "Always Ask", you will be prompted to send a Notification Email each time you share a file with a Contact and choose on the fly whether or not you would like to send one.

IMPORTANT: Once the File Storage Quota limit is reached, users will no longer be able to upload files. You can free up space by deleting files.

Office Managers typically have limited access to Client and Company Files. However, you can grant them full access here.

You can also set permissions for various functions regarding files and folders for Clients and Prospects, on a per-Role basis.

File Transfer: You can change the "Friendly URL" that appears for the page that your users are linked to for downloading files.

CLICK HERE to learn about File Transfers

How do I share/access files with Clients/Prospects?

When a new Client or Prospect is added to the platform, a folder will automatically be created for them in the Contact Files folder. Each Company will also have a file automatically created in the Company Files Folder.

Click on the name of the Client or Prospect (Contact or Company). You will then see the following folders;

Contact View

Private Files: This folder is hidden from the Contact, so you can upload files here that are related to them for use by you and your Staff.

Shared with Contact/Company: Any files you upload here will be automatically shared with the Contact.

Submitted by Contact/Company: Any files that are uploaded as part of a Form, FLOW, Project, or File Request will be located here. Each of these types is organized in its own subfolders.

Uploaded by Contact/Company: When a Contact uploads files into their default folder, this is where they will appear for you to access them.

Repository: This folder is the Repository Folder for the Upload and Download Block

How do I share/access files with Staff?

When a new Staff Member is added to the platform, a folder will automatically be created for them in the Staff member's Files folder. 

Staff View

Private Files: This folder is hidden from the Staff Member, so you can upload files here that are related to them.

Shared with Staff: Any files you upload here will be automatically shared with the Staff Member.

Uploaded by Staff: When the Staff Member uploads files into their default folder, this is where they will appear for you to access them.

How do I find files related to Projects & Tasks?

In your Files "Home" list, click the Projects Folder.

Anytime a new Project is created in the Platform, it will have its own folder created in the Projects folder.

CLICK HERE to learn about Projects

You can see at a glance the name of the assigned Client, as well as how many files have been uploaded, and how many Tasks exist within the Project.

Within each Project's folder, files are divided into three types.

Private Files: This folder is hidden from the Contact, so you can upload files here that are related to them for use by you and your Staff.

Public Files: Any files uploaded to this folder are visible to both you and the Contact. Files can be uploaded here by both the Contact and Staff.

Tasks: This folder contains subfolders for each Task within the Project. Any time a file is uploaded through the Task module, it will appear here. You can also manually upload files into these subfolders.

CLICK HERE to learn about Tasks

Where do I find files for File Requests?

When you create a File Request, if you do not specify a new folder to upload the file to, it will be placed within the File Requests folder.

CLICK HERE to learn about File Requests

The subfolders inside are named based on what you named the File Request during creation.

You'll be able to see at a glance the deadline of the File Request (if applicable), as well as how many submissions and files are within the folders.

How do I manage my Folder Generators?

To create or edit a Folder Generator, you'll need to navigate to the Folder Generators folder.

This is where you can create a folder/file structure to generate inside of a Contact's Shared Folder.

CLICK HERE to learn about Folder Generators

hen you create a new Package for a File Transfer, a folder will be generated in File Transfers.

CLICK HERE to learn about File Transfers

The subfolders inside are named based on what you named the Package during creation.

At a glance, you'll be able to see when the File Transfer was sent, how many files it contains, the deadline (if applicable), as well as how many times the link was clicked, and how many times the file(s) were downloaded.

How do I manage my embedded images?

This is a specialized folder that only accepts image file formats (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.,). You can manually upload files to this folder so that you can navigate to it within the platform instead of having to upload them from your device.

IMPORTANT: If you delete an image from this folder that is embedded in active content, it will appear as a broken image in that content.

What happens when I delete files?

Deleted files will go to the Recently Deleted Folder, where they will remain for 30 days.  Any files in this folder will NOT count towards your Storage Usage.

IMPORTANT: After 30 days the deleted files will be permanently deleted.  Please ensure you check this folder regularly for files deleted in error.  

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FILES: File Transfer
FILES: Folder Generators