Dynamic Data Placeholders

What are Dynamic Data Placeholders?

Dynamic Data Placeholders (DDP) are "tags" that automatically generate the correct corresponding content depending on whom is viewing it. It will also pull relative information such as specific dates (today's date, Document creation date, etc.,). A DDP will be automatically created any time you create a Custom Field.

CLICK HERE to learn about Custom Fields

You can find DDPs in many areas of the platform. They will typically be available to select from while in any text Editor, such as while creating Portal Pages, Documents, Help Messages in FLOWs, etc. DDPs are categorized by type and are color-coded for easy identification.


These DDPs are related to Contacts. They will appear in the Contact's CRM Dashboard, and can optionally be included in their Profile.


These DDPs are related to the Contact's associated Company.


These DDPs are related to your business. This is what you have white-labeled your account with, such as your company logo and name.


These DDPs are related to Staff Members.


These DDPs are related to Coordinators.


These DDPs are related to Salespeople.


These DDPs are related to the Invoice associated with the Client. In cases where these DDPs are used one particular Invoice will need to be specified.

In certain cases when only an Estimate is available, these DDPs will display data related to an Estimate instead.


These DDPs are related to the Project associated with the Client. In cases where these DDPs are used one particular Project will need to be specified.


These DDPs are related to a Document. It includes special Placeholders that generate a signature box as well as an option to include a page break in the document. This allows you to have multiple pages in a Document without needing to completely fill out a page to move to the next one.


These DDPs are related to a Proposal. This includes an option to have a page break in the document. This allows you to have multiple pages in a Proposal without needing to completely fill out a page to move to the next one.


These are specialized DDPs that can only be used in Email Marketing.

CLICK HERE to learn about Email Marketing


These are specialized DDPs that can only be used in a File Transfer.

CLICK HERE to learn about File Transfer


These are specialized DDPs that can only be used in the Edit Flow Content step.

CLICK HERE to learn about FLOWs

How do I use Dynamic Data Placeholders?

In most cases, you'll know DDPs are available for use when you see the {x} icon in a text editor. The example below is for a Portal Page.

The DPP Categories will be shown at the top of the modal. You can click each one to see its corresponding set of DDPs.

Any Custom Fields you have created for that particular category will also appear in the list.

You can use the Search Field to narrow the pool of DDPs. This is useful if you have created many Custom Fields and find it difficult to visually sift through them.

These will need to be copied or typed manually to utilize.

In Email Templates, the available DDPs for each field type will be shown at the top of the screen.

You can click the DDP to copy it to your clipboard.

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Dynamic Dashboards
Dynamic Image Placeholders