CRM: Overview

Customer Relationship Management


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is where you organize and interact with contacts. You can enter or edit a contact's information, add them to Circles and/or events, and much more.


Contacts can have one of three Roles: Lead, Prospect, or Client. Basically, a Lead is a potential Client; a Prospect is a Contact who has expressed interest in your service/product but is not yet committed, and a Client is officially a paying customer. Only Prospects and Clients can access the Portal.

MORE INFO > Contact Roles

Adding Contacts

Begin by adding a Contact to your platform. You can choose their Role during the setup process. You can also create test Contacts, and set Contacts to Inactive if necessary.

Adding Companies

If you primarily work more with Companies, you can add them in much the same way as you add Contacts. You can choose their Role and assign a Primary Contact during the setup process. 

MORE INFO > Adding Companies

Kickoff Forms

You can also recruit new Contacts with Kickoff Forms. This allows Contacts to self-register by filling out a form on a website. You can customize the form any way you'd like; you can even add your own custom fields.

MORE INFO > Kickoff Forms

Paid Portal Access

Perhaps your business model requires Contacts to pay a fee before accessing the Portal. If that's the case, Paid Portal Access can easily be put into place. You can even set up Recurring Payments if a One-Time Payment isn't what you need.

MORE INFO > Paid Portal Access

Importing Contacts

Already have a list of Contacts? Instead of manually adding Contacts or having to wait for them to register, you have the option of Importing Contacts. This way you can add them in bulk via a CSV file. This type of file can be easily created if you have your Contacts in a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, etc.).

MORE INFO > Importing Contacts


A useful feature of the platform is the ability to Impersonate Contacts or Companies, as well as your Staff Members. As a Super Admin and Admin, you can experience the platform exactly as a particular user to ensure it is precise to your specifications.

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CRM: Other ways to add Contacts
CRM: RE: Tasks