FLOWs are automated sequences you can set up for your Contacts to complete forms, upload/download files, and eSign documents. They come in two flavors: On-Boarding, for a mandatory set of Steps a new Prospect or Client must complete before using the platform, and On-Demand, which can be assigned anytime on a case-by-case basis. You can also assign No-Code Automations to the FLOW upon completion and even for each Step!


No-Code Automations

For a granular approach, you can use Automations. Automations are triggered commands you can set to occur after various events in the platform (signing a Contract, paying an Invoice, etc.). They are available in most areas of the platform and can be chained, making them very powerful and an indispensable time-saving tool. You can make a long, complex series of automations happen automatically or at the click of a button by creating an Automation Template.

MORE INFO > No-Code Automations

Invoice Generators

An Invoice Generator is like a factory that produces an Invoice for the Clients it is applied to. Once you have one set up, with a few clicks can generate an Invoice. A Recurring Invoice Generator kicks it into high gear and continually generates Invoices for a Client on a schedule.

MORE INFO > Invoice Generators

Project Generators

MORE INFO > Project Generators

Folder Generators

MORE INFO > Folder Generators


MORE INFO > Circles

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AUTOMATIONS: No-Code Automations
Activity Stream