💡 Edit help articles just like any other document. Create headings, bullets, numbered lists, a table of contents, etc. Drag and drop images or embed videos.
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H2 text
3rd level text
Best practices
- Bullets make your help content scannable and easy to follow.
- You can also use numbered lists for steps.
Make your content visual
Adding instructive screenshots, GIFs, or videos is a snap.
- Drag and drop any image into the page.
- Type /video to embed a video file of your choosing (including from YouTube or Vimeo).
- Here's a handy example showing how to add a table of contents:
Tour of features
Every section can have its own heading and subheadings. For example:
- See how the table of contents indents subheadings?
- Use toggles to simplify FAQs.
- Nest content inside toggles to keep pages short and easy to read.
- You can even nest images and embeds inside toggles! ✨
Related articles
You can link to other pages in your help center. If you change their titles, they'll automatically update everywhere they are linked.